Points Lists For The Fantasy Campaign And Non-Human Actors

 Originally, I intended my fantasy world to neatly move from one era to the other. On the other hand, I already had troops from different eras in the same armies. Different lands also had different levels of development. (Thanks, Frank Perry for the inspiration). So there were a range of armor and troop types from ancient to late medieval with the more recent growth into early horse and musket era (ECW).

   After some dice rolling Mat and I have moved the technology level into 18th to early 19th century. So, I am introducing regular troops with flintlocks and bayonets. But I have decided to retain the old points options so one can still have plate armor. The latter is great if the troops can get into close combat but  a lot depends on terrain and circumstance. My Beersteiners are going to be fighting zombies, skeleton warriors and other nasties so a little armor might not go astray. Being crusaders could also come in handy.

  Yes, magic will still have a roll. Priests can heal, encourage troops and counter dark magic from the Undead. Sorcerers can be deadly, although sometimes to themselves and their side. I better call them wizards or something to make them more palatable to the Beersteiner church. The Fezians even have, for the first time, a genie option, not a cute little one who prepares out meals but a big ugly one who can become a veritable giant. Both sides can also have a giant and a unit of dwarfs. So, even as I upgrade weaponry I am allowing more non human activity.

 This will be the first time in our official campaigns that an Undead force will come into action. Mat will take over their armies. Meanwhile Mat's Fezians and (much reduced from last campaign) Bogavanians will be fighting Aztecia, pseudo-Aztecs with dinosaurs and some cavalry and armor but without artillery. They also can have wizards. 

  The Fezians biggest advantage over the Aztecs will be artillery which is now upgraded to fire every turn instead of every second (except for siege artillery).

So here are the old points lists that I did include in some old posts:

Oh blast. I got duped into buying Microsoft Word and the files won't even upload. The updated ones I might have to type out on the post.

Anyhow here, also are my rules for credits supplies.


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