Update Fantasy Campaign Points

 For some time, I have been using a system based on one credit being worth 10 points. I round unit costs off, so they actually get some 'free' men.

Each unit or artillery piece uses one credit of supplies per game or map move. I don't normally distinguish between types of supplies as it almost does my head in as it is. 

  Credits are generated by land hexes with some being more valuable than others. I got the ideas for this from Hackett's 'Fantasy Wargaming'. I don't go too deeply into economics as I would find it just too tedious but basically, and somewhat generously, half of all credits generated can go to paying for armies and we have around five a side plus scouts.

  The points and troop type allowance limits are designed to put an upper limit on any particular army's size. It also reflects on what I potentially have available in figures even allowing for stand-ins. As an example, I could use various ancient or medieval troops to stand in as zombies as I could muster only two units of painted actual toy zombies. The other thing is I don't use unpainted figures; the closest thing would be something like Britains Detail figures that have basic factory paintjobs, but usually I have painted enough figures.

  The tricky thing is to provide enough supplies for troops. Campaigns generally go for at least 12 map moves (that includes tabletop encounters although some forces in remote outposts never see action). But most armies are going to be smaller at the end of a campaign. So, does the player take a risk in assuming he will not have as many troops to feed? last campaign our armies just scraped in with enough supplies Move 13. (Just like with the individual games we dice roll to see if the campaign continues past 12 moves). Incidentally, a single campaign generally takes around 12 months, depending on how many games we have a month.

 Below is the point update sheet which is moving things to a more 18th century technology; this has occurred through natural technological evolution due to the odd genius here and there and also the appearance of occasional individuals from later periods, kidnapped (like everyone else's ancestors) from Old Earth (and some other places) and placed on New Earth.



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