Beersteiner Schleich Tower & General Statistics

General Amsberg's stats written under his base. These include Warhammer stats which he sometimes use selectively and sometimes in entirety such as when we include fantastical creatures like vampires. BI is Battlefield Intelligence, which is low as is his boldness level at 40. The first means the opponent can insist the Beerstener player reroll successful rolls for setting up and first move. Low boldness means the Beersteiner player must roll a dice to enable bolder moves such as ordering the army to charge the enemy. It also means he is less likely to lead from the front. Overly bold commanders have the opposite issues.

  Beersteiner artillery is emplaced atop the tower. The tower was built to protect the frontier and to alert the appearance of Necrolian forces.

I bought, secondhand, a Scheich Castle and figures a year ago. The figures I mainly sold and got my money back but it was the castle I wanted to keep. The only issue for me was the windows were far too big. Using some plastic toy windows etc. I covered the inside of the windows and then used air drying red clay to reduce the size of the windows.

I decided to spray paint the tower black and then dry brushed with acrylic sample pot greys.

Two crenelations are, which is fine, as this is where the cannon will be positioned.



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