Copies of Crescent US Cavalry and Knights from the Philippines

 My Philippines friend, Rodney hunted these figures up for me and posted them; they are copies of Crescent US Cavalry and Knights, presumably made in the Philippines. There were also copies of Crescent Beret wearing modern British but they were sold out.

  Below are some of the original figures posed with the copies. The copies are fractionally smaller than the original 60mm figures. They have flash but it is thin enough to easily remove with a sharp knife.

                                                      These two poses were not copied.

The figures are great material for conversions, and I always had a soft spot for Crescent figures.


  1. I painted about twenty Crescent medievals many years ago, then gifted them to a friend. But I did keep the archer. I now have a unit of eight Welsh longbowmen (Crescent or Kelloggs) and they do paint up well. The other thirty or so archers are Herald and Deetail figures.


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