Necrolia & Beerstein Fight to a Standstill

 Today' battle started slowly with both commanders with low 'Boldness' (i.e. they were cautious). This meant that the Undead took several turns to emerge from the forest edge and Beersteiners did not advance past their tower until late in the battle.

The rain fell and caused some of the Beersteiner gun powder to get wet. This saved a large number of the Undead form canon and musket fire.

   BELOW: Skeleton Warrior spearmen; these were converted from sword wielding ones and painted in the two days prior to the battle.

                        Crusader knights, held the right flank but did not participate in the battle.
                                              Skeleton cavalry entered the fray late in the battle.
                                      The unit guarding the tower with plate armored hero.
                                                Beerstein's right flank. (The gap was crossable)

   A summoned group of zombies was shot up and then destroyed in combat by the grenadiers.

The two Undead monstrous creatures (bone bat and frog) were killed by a combination of magic missiles and cannon fire. Mat's Necromancer Lord also was able to summon a new unit of zombies which partially made up for the loss of a skeleton unit.

  My Beersteiners lost two cannons to misfires, one in the top of the tower and one newly arrived one. The worst disaster was the loss of my sorceress who was blown up by a Dimensional cascade from a misspell. Mat's Necromancer Lord also had a misspell which double-deaded a large number of his skeleton warriors but he escaped largely unscathed. In fact, he repeatedly restored lost wounds to himself.

  A priest saved, through prayer, the unit of grenadiers from one of the necromancer's evil spells.


  More reports will be added to this post.


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