The Beerstein Church Militant

                     No, it is not Little Bo Peep but an undercoated  Beersteiner Archbishop. 

   Another Archbishop with hook and sword is at the pre-painted stage. I believe he lost a hand in an exorcism where the enemy was much worse than Linda Blair. (Arms are from a pirate figure). To his right is one of the Red Hoods priestly order. Although not usually trained for battle it is not unknown for a cleric to pick up a weapon to defend his flock.
                    Here is another Red Hood with club and the Archbishop in his colorful glory. The Red Hood was a Star Wars figure with laser sword, now made into a club. Strictly speaking the priests are not meant to shed blood so they may use a club to bludgeon an enemy into terminal unconsciousness rather than cut him with a blade.
                   Priests and archbishop. The monk was from a Robin Hood set maybe Dulcop.
                                                                    Grim determination
                                        The Holy Whale is discernable on the archbishop's hat.
                                  Below: the figure origin of the Archbishop is a Timpo Arab.

Although many expect the clergy to oppose violence the clerical realist knows that evil must be faced and combated. Indeed, in a previous era, there was the Beerstein Inquisition which purified Beerstein of many thousands of heretics and apostates.

  Even more dire have been the external threats to Beerstein from pagans and infidels. The most frightening of all is the present threat from Necrolia. The toxic Green Mist had largely separated Beerstein from the Undead but the toxic miasma has lifted. The foul creatures of Unlife have crossed the Northern frontier. 

  The priesthood had deteriorated in recent years with vows of celibacy violated and even impudent strumpets secretly and not so secretly residing in priests' homes. Some priests have become literal fathers. Others have been generally lackadaisical in their religious observances.  

  However, as a regular part of their training, the priests have learnt how to exorcise evil spirits and to cause the Undead to crumble. For this reason, they are frequently attached to armies in the hope that their prayers will deliver their flock from the Evil Dead.

  More consistent, in their holy adherence have been the military holy orders of crusaders. Many have been trained since boyhood and others have entered from the non-crusader military or as penance for some grave sin. Others simply seek military glory in the name of God. Most of them are of aristocratic family but some, also, are of humble origin. The latter increased after the admittance of the much-needed blacksmiths.

 It is likely that, at this very moment, the crusaders are rushing towards the violated frontier. It would be unsurprising if they cross into Necrolia to destroy the evil filth.


Although lacking the power of wizards (or mages, as they are diplomatically called in Beerstein) priests can stop a magic attack on the units they are attached to. A 6 on a D6 is required. Archbishops can do the same thing on a 5 or 6. They can also pray to cause an Undead unit, in range, to crumble (with the same dice rolls). If successful the target unit will lose D6 members each move. An Undead wizard including vampires) if close by, can attempt to stop the prayer by rolling equivalent or higher than the priest. (Vampires have, as in Warhammer rules, Vampiric resistance to the spells so are not directly threatened).

 The archbishop has a broader sweep and can target a number of Undead units at greater range. He also can protect multiple friendly units and greater range. Clerics in close proximity to a church have a plus one on their prayers.

  Crusaders have magic resistance and on a D6 roll of a 5 or 6 stop the magic attack. They are also fearless and immune to psychology.


I wanted to create an unusual addition to my armies. priests have played key roles in armies in the past so, in a fantasy army, I could formularize this and attach prayers to the magic phase.

  I haven't confined clerics to the Christian or pseudo-Christian nations of Beerstein, Bogavania and Fritzerland. Fezians and azrtecs may also include priests in their armies. They are less costly than wizards but just might come in handy against magic attacks or especially against the Undead.

  I use Warhammer rules book 8th Edition as a reference point but use my own rules as well. I have no hesitation in incorporating any rule I like from any Warhammer edition or any other rules set and add them to my own.


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