The First Beersteiner Regular Infantry Prepare to Fight the Undead

 Beersteiner military fashions are entering a new era with tailed coats and tricornes. The new regular infantry is equipped with bayonets and flintlock muskets.

    'Big Jarod' Shultz carries one of the national colors which features the Sacred Whale. (The other semi-official one features a beerstein). Jarod, at seven feet tall towers over nearly all his fellow soldiers and it is strange he was not enlisted in a grenadier regiment.

The First Beerstein infantry regiment is part of an expeditionary force, led by General Albert Amsburg, sent to intercept any invaders from Necrolia. The force consists of the above infantry, a grenadier regiment, Crusader plate armored cavalry and a unit of knights. Also present is the hero, Ferdinand Sourcrout, a priest, an archbishop and the sorceress (known, diplomatically as a 'mage'), Illia. The force has three of the most up-to date cannons. A unit of mercenary light cavalry has scouted into Necrolian territory. Seven supply wagons follow.

  The infantry and crusaders have flags and musicians.

  The army has moved from Map Hex 49, Northwards into Hex 29 which is on the Necrolian border.

  Illia is a level 2 wizard with powers of the Lore of Beasts. She is well over 100 years old, kept alive and youthful by her magic knowledge. Despite her age she can withstand four normal wounds. She provided deadly service in the last military campaign between Beerstein and Fezia/Bogavania, 100 years ago. However, she is reluctant to place herself in direct line of danger. She had also altered her name to conceal her identity. Her specialty is to turn herself into a dragon.

  The priest, Julius, is one of the few courageous members of the Beerstein clergy, which tends to be timid in the face of battle. His Boldness is rated at 84%.

  The nature of the archbishop is presently unknown.

  General Amsburg has a leadership rating of 12 which means he is fearless and a great inspiration to his troops! However, somewhat paradoxically, he is a cautious commander (40% bold), reluctant to take unnecessary risks. His battlefield Intelligence is a mere 33 which means, almost certainly, that the enemy commander can gain an initial advantage with troop placement and first move. Despite the overall trend away from armor he wears complete plate armor.

  The force is not alone as they have actually come to reinforce the tower, which has a garrison and also a moat. The tower garrison consists of a flintlock armed regular regiment, the priest, Linus the Brave, a hero and two canons.

  The Beerstein forces have encountered a large Undead force which is moving through forest in the North. The force consists of three regiments of skeleton warriors with swords, morning stars, axes and shields, two regiments of 'spearmen' with spears and shields. Two units of mounted skeletons are also present. A giant frog skeleton and a flying bat skeleton provide threat. two catapults have to be dismantled and carried through the forest, as do the five supply wagons.

  The Undead general is a Necromancer Lord. Heroes are a necromancer and an ethereal Cairn Wraith. The latter cannot be harmed by normal weapons but can be harmed by magic and magic weapons. (It is rumored that the hero has one of these). Rank bonus and flag may also enable a unit to defeat an ethereal creature.


Beersteiner mercenary light cavalry scouts have discovered another Undead force in Hex N7 (in Necrolia and not far from the imminent battle). It consists of the 'Bridal Hunting party' of the female vampires, Esmaria and Belladonna. Their force includes a brutal and bestial Vargheist who may actually be the commander. 

  The rank and file are one unit of skeleton short bow, 2 skeleton spear units and a heavily armored Grave Guard unit. It has one catapult and 4 wagons.

  More posts, reporting the course of events, will follow.


  1. Very Nice infantry! I love your paintjob!!
    What make are they?
    I'm looking forward to read the battle reposrt.

  2. Those are mainly Accurate company with the taller ones being Marx and also my Crescent conversion of the US cavalry flag bearer. The battle is planned for next Tuesday. Some encounters also occurred between Fezia and Aztecia but the armies concerned declined battle as in both cases one side was outnumbered and withdrew! That leaves the Necrolia versus Beerstein battle with both black powder and magic playing important roles. The Beersteiners are somewhat outnumbered but have ranged weapon attacks.


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