Battle Of The Lone Palm Tree Part One, Aztecia Versus Fezia

Mat and I finally got our Aztecs versus Fezians organized. Mat's Fezian force included about 3oo Fezians and four cannons, a wizard and a genie.

 Specially for the game I painted, in three days, the two regiments below. The first is based on a sepoy unit from the Indian Mutiny but is here a unit in the Fezian army. I still had a few details to paint, including the crescent on the flag.

 After ransacking my Indian boxes I found enough archers to make another bowman unit, although still needing some more painted details.
A later stage of the battle when the Fezian general has assumed gargantuan proportions.
                                                          The view from the Aztec side

   The Aztec commander was overly cautious and delayed exploiting his initial advantages of deployment.
As a result of the delay the Fezians charged the Aztecs who had been ordered not to advance.
  The Hillmen, mercenaries in Fezian employ, supported by halberd men began slaughtering the Ebons allied to the Aztecs.
 The stegadon (triceratops) remained in place but the howdah men shot some of the enemy Fezian cavalry.
  Aztec armored infantry and Jaguar and Eagle Knights moved forward to fight the Hillmen..

   The other Hillmen came into contact with more Aztec bowmen and sliced their way through them.
               The carnosaur turned to charge the Fezians who had charged the Aztec infantry.
   The creature ran them down but then the genie cast a thunderbolt on him, striking him dead but its rider, hero jumped free.
     On the aztecs left flank the Fezian infantry charged the other Aztec archers. Even the Fezian general charged in.
  The Hillmen, on the right flank, continue chopping through the archers but their numbers are also diminishing.

                 The Fezian regular infantry are in a life and death struggle with the enemy dinosaur and are pushed back.

  More details, such as the crescent on the flag have been added.
  The Fezian artillery never got a shot off as their line of site was obscured.

 More reports will follow.


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks. The imagi-nations and created world have really become my major focus.

  2. You do not paint in a impressive speed, but you also have an impressive number of miniatures. Does Matt bring own miniatures when you're gaming?

    1. I think you meant I paint with impressive speed. I use fairly large brushes for the block colors. I also find that washes help although I touch up the result afterwards as I don't want them looking blotchy. I also like to add the fine details.
      Mat does not have figures other than his Warhammer 40K Chaos figures. All the figures you see in my 54mm games are mine and painted by me. Mat decides what will be in the armies he controls and lets me know, when our armies meet a week before so I can collect the necessary figures.

    2. Sorry! My mistake!! The word 'Only' was left out of the sentence. Yes, off course I meant that you paint your miniatures in an impressive speed. -And result as well! Well done, James!

  3. I generally find the process relaxing. However, I admit it becomes a little tedious If I am painting a whole regiment or even two.

    I usually paint at my workbench in the garage. Normally hold figures up, so I am not bending over and hunching too much. I get up every twenty minutes to half an hour and go and do something else for a few minutes. I have a skylight which is really nice when the light comes through although not so much in Winter. I also like hearing rain on the tin roof and the sound of birds, although less keen on neighbor's lawnmowers and barking dogs. I also have a TV with DVD and VHS player to add to the stimulation or I watch You Tube and old movies on my laptop player. My cat, Chloe also comes to visit and sits on my adjacent wargame table. I heard that some people play music for creative stimulation, but I rarely do this.


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