A Battle For the Capital

 The Necrolian army, led by vampires has entered the capital territory of Beerstein. King James has heard of the attempt of his cavalry to intercept the Black Coaches and has assembled his defence of the castle. He even put together the unit of mixed regimental, not to mention, kitchen staff parentage, 'The Bastards' (excuse me if any of the ladies are reading this). Resplendent in their red coats four regiments of flintlock men, a unit of longbows and another of plate armored knights with halberds are ready.

  The Beersteiners are relatively confident despite the fear that the undead usually generate. Beersteiner priests and archbishop are present to protect the troops, with their prayers, and stand, uneasily, with the king's wizard to repel the invaders. The two cannons are also ready to give their 'sermons' to the vampires' army.

  The invaders include two units of zombies, two of skeleton warriors, a grave Guard unit in plate and a unit of Undead mounted plate. The vampire Lord is accompanied by a lesser vampire and a Wight King.

  Stay tuned as the battle is imminent! Further repots will be added to this post.



  1. Looks like Halloween is coming up. Seems like an appropriate time for such a theme and game. I'll be looking forward to read the battle report on how your Beersteiners will do.

  2. It ended up, after a three-hour battle with 12 moves, a stalemate. So, the battle will continue another time. I'll post the photos and summary tomorrow as an extension of the post.


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