Black Coaches - Transport for Vampire Coffins

 Vampires are among the most powerful warriors, so it is only fair they have some weaknesses. The problem of deadly exposure to daylight has been overcome by the vampires' creation of a magical permanent cloud cover directly over them. However, they require to retire to their coffins that include earth from their graves.  Consequently, the Black Coaches follows the vampire army as they hold these precious coffins. 

The drivers are sometimes human, wretched, groveling, individuals who hope to gain the vampire's favor and to one day be given their own vampire immortality. Others suffer from various physical defects that made them objects of ridicule in human society. They hate their fellow humans and take sadistic glee in seeing suffering among others. Other drivers are animated skeletons or zombies given, by vampire magic, greater intelligence than their fellows. Only a few such undead minions reach such a superior status, as even for a vampire it is a difficult task to create more than a handful of such creatures.

  The horses are also no ordinary horses. They are a superior and stronger version of zombie horses with metal spikes sprouting from where one would expect to see manes. Bone shows through on the skulls and an eerie spectral green light shines from their eyes. Their hides are an unnatural, supernatural greenish blue

The drivers were made from skeleton warriors bent and cut so they are sitting and Green Stuff putty added to form cloaks and hoods..

  The coach in the foreground is made from a Golden West cowboy stage coach which I have owned for some thirty years. These were Chinese copies of Timpo ones. The one at rear was made from a Cinderella coach pulled by a unicorn.
The attachment of beasts to coach was made up with pieces of sprue, chains and matchsticks but kept very simple.

                                                             Vampire taking a nap

   Donor heads for the horses. I just have to decide what to do with the leftover bodies. (The unicorn is in the background).


  1. Might I suggest turning on your flash when taking a photo. Some of these a too dark to see details, but I love lovelovrthe text.

  2. I should take them in the daytime. The flash often saturates the subject with too much light. but you will see more pics on Tuesday when these coaches are in our game.


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