Devil Girl Conversions & Paintjobs

 Among the wonderful Space Opera Figures from ElastoWit miniatures is a figure of Devil Girl, an interplanetary villain from Mars where men are the inferior sex, but Mars needs more men.

   I made two resin copies of the original figure so I could do some conversions and different paint schemes. I already did a conversion of this figure into a pseudo-Aztec with sword, shown in an earlier post.

  The figure at left has a new pistol arm taken from a cheapo modern infantry figure. The arm is a tad thicker than I would like but I like the color scheme. The posters for the film show a range of colors, usually red, green, purple or black. The black color scheme is shown at right and with original arm.

 below are the figures with the big boxy robot, the original ElastoWit figure and typical of some early cinematic and comic depictions of robots.
                                      Below is Miss Interplanetary and superior, but sexy, bossy boots.

             Dig the mini shirt stockings and high boots. Yeah, maybe it is not TOO big a sacrifice to get n that spaceship with her.


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