Jaguar Knight Conversions Painted

 Left: Barzo Jaguar Knight, middle conversion of Britains Detail Indian with pistol, right, Reamsa

                                            Reamsa in foreground, conversions in background
                               Left, Reamsa, middle and right, Crescent Cherilea Indian conversions
Left to right: Britains Detail at rear, Barzo, Reamsa, Reamsa, Remasa, Cherilea conversion

                                              The recent conversions from Cherilea Indians

The Cherilea Indian conversions match well the Reamsa Aztecs. I am fairly happy with them. The button shields had an engraved abstract design which lent itself well to some Aztec shield patterns.

  I still need to base the figures and to overcoat them to protect the paint.

There is nothing like a looming wargame to set me converting and painting and actually finishing what I start. (I am also presently making vampire Black Coaches but that will be a future post).

  I need twice this many Jaguar Knights for a unit but that will not happen any time soon. They will tend to share a movement board with Eagle Knights (that are also low in numbers).


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