More From the September Workbench - Ape Musician, Timpo Roman Conversions & Guardsman Wagon Driver

I am going Ape over this project. It is mostly made of Green Stuff, something I would not usually do as it is relatively expensive. e body is copied from the ElastoWit gorilla rider. The head is sculpted by myself and I made an especially brutal looking ape face. The right arm is cut from a cheapo plastic 'Green army man" (although the one I show is tan). I also use some Testors paste putty to thicken some arm areas. The musical instrument is based on the one used in 'Beneath the Planet of The Apes; it has two flared openings. It is fairly rough but hopefully I can improve it. I might also add a dental floss cord. The sword is made from a split pin which is suitable flat on one side and rounded on the other. As it is tucked under his left arm there was no need to fashion the sword handle.

   The 'donor'; the arms are quite long and chunky so suited a transplant onto an ape. By the way I love the modern army man set this came from as it has a bit of an SF look about them, especially the helmets and goggles. I already made some Rogue trooper figures from these and plan on making some more apes from them.
   Here is the wounded Timpo GI I have copied in resin to which I added some black coloring.
The Timpo Romans are among my favorites. Two of my resin copies were ok except the legs did not come out! I already had some lead home castings that someone made in two halves but some poorly cast heads. So, at left there is a combi resin and lead figure with split pin sword I also added some putty groin protectors as the Timpo ones are two short. The one at right has been combined with the legs from a copy of the Herald Greek. I lengthened the tunic - funny how that kind of looks like a short dress by 20th century comparison -and added the leather groin protectors. I also added the split pin scabbard. (These split pins are easy to cut with pliers and are about the right width for knives, swords and scabbards).

Here are a couple of my resin castings from the Marx 18th century guardsman. These ones came out perfectly except for their legs! One of the castings I mixed some red color into the resin, why I don't know as I'll paint them anyway. The wagon is a conversion of a cheap cowboy wagon I made a number of years ago.

   I could not locate my box of seated figures so have started making the bottom sections from wire and Green Stuff. I am guessing wagon drivers were more likely to be civilians or if soldiers probably not guardsmen but I am using these for my Beersteiner army. So far, my drivers are either medieval peasant conversions from cowboys or ACW. It is time I made a few 18th century looking wagon men, especially as some of my supply wagons are about to be attacked by hordes of zombies and vampires! 

   I need another large dinosaur to put a howdah on, so I have Super Glued some necklace chain on to this dinosaur ready for a howdah. I might have to remove some of the dinosaur back projections.



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