More From the September Workbench Resin & Plastic

 First up is a Star Wars figure. Although I went to the cinema to see Star Wars when it came out, I don't count myself as a Star Wars 'follower' or mega fan who watches every sequel. I much prefer either the retro SF like Flash Gordon or the grungy look of the alien films. However, I did enjoy that first film and the way it drew on mythology.

  So, getting back to the figure I have no idea what he represents and did not try to paint him as a Star Wars figure.  Instead, I had in mind the old pre-Star Wars SF Flash Gordon and Buck Rogers style.

 I like the style of this figure but is it just me or are the arms a smidgen too short?

The next figure is an MPC figure. Someone might be able to tell me what he is meant to be and what he held. I painted him in military green but as he has no equipment, he could be a civilian.

  Next is my resin copy of an old 1960s HK plastic copy of a made in England figure. The HK plastic figure is in an unusual color scheme, maybe intended as a UN figure.  At first, I thought it was a copy of Timpo but it could be a copy of Crescent or another company. In any case I painted it in the Timpo metal color scheme with the unhistorical grey helmet.


  1. Yes, its good fun to take these specific SciFi figures and play around with their colour schemes. Star Wars purists and rivet counters, look away now!
    Aside from the first two and a half Star Wars films that I saw as a youngster, there have been some good recent prequels or spin offs. One favourite for expanding the grungy Star Wars universe is Rogue One which is set just before and linking to the first moments of the 1977 film [Episode IV] It inspired a recent prequel series to that Rogue One film, a character spin off from Rogue One called Andor has been interesting too.


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