Tit For Tat As a Large Necrolian Army Runs Down Beersteiner Supply Wagons And Beersteiner Cavalry attack Necrolian Supply Wagons & The Black Coaches

A guardsman farewells the driver with the precious beer wagon, destined for a frontier garrison. 'Don't worry, Hans; there are none of them Undead vermin around these parts. Ya don't need no escort!'.

 King James, the Third had no sooner sent out three supply wagons towards is garrisons than a horde of slavering zombies and rattling skeleton warriors descended on them. Two terrified drivers were covered in the stinking creatures and succumbed. It is unknown if either of the drivers was transformed into a zombie.

  The third wagon, which was closer to the castle managed to turn his wagon around and to escape. He had five credits of supplies in the wagon. The other two wagons had thirty-five credits worth of supplies. 

  The supplies were of no use to the Undead but were now denied to the living.

BELOW: The horrific scene presented to the wagon drivers only hours after they left the castle and were passing through the local village. The vampire overlord, himself and his zombie and skeleton warriors pounced on the wagons.

(The Beerstein wagons were captured in Hex 45 and the Necrolian supply train attacked in Hex 47).


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