Aztecia Versus Fezia - Battle of the Forest Patch

 The Fezians have finally attacked Aztecian territory. The Aztecs who had previously withdrawn from the Fezian North Aztecia have been reinforced by two armies, including those sent from the capital. The Aztecs formidable weapons include two Stegosaurs with howdahs and two wizards. The Fezians newly arrived, must await their artillery but it does not arrive. They make a formidable firing line of muskets and bows. The Aztecs boldly go on the offensive.

    BELOW: Aztecs advance

     Fezian infantry try to take down a stegosaur. (Stegosaur stats are based on the Lizardman ones in Warhammer and applied to both dinosaurs).
                      The Hillmen attack the Aztec bowmen. The bowmen are outclassed
                                         The other stegosaur with Aztec bowmen in howdah 
                                                             Fezian wizard isolated
                                                Aztec forces close in on the Fezian line.
                                                              Aztec sorcerer and bowmen
                                                      Fezian lines are reduced by archery.
                                                      Aztec heavy infantry move forward,
                                                 A Stegosaur rams into the Fezian archers.

                                                              Fezian last stand

The field of battle is open except for some small rocky outcrops and a patch of jungle. The Aztec commander gains strategic advantage of position and movement as dice rolls determine that the Fezian side sets up first and moves last. The Aztec army moves forward with a flanking overlap against the Fezian left flank. 

  The stegosaurs head straight towards the Fezian lines and most missile fire bounces off their scaly skins. One stegosaur charges into the musket line which includes the genie. The monster inflicts casualties and pushes them from the field of battle. Other Fezian regiments are also pushed from the field.

 A war of spell and counter spell was also waged between the Fezian wizard and genie, on the one hand and the two Aztec wizards on the other. But the Genie is driven off before he can assume gigantic dimensions. Although, Fezian  magic foils most Aztec sorcery one of the Aztec wizards sends a magic bolt at his opposite number and knocks him out. Yet, interdimensional cascades cause mispells to knock out both Aztec wizards and kills a number of Aztec warriors (as well as some Hillmen caught up in the carnage.

  The Fezian general charges a stegosaur and is eventually killed. The Fezian army is stalled but the last standing hero leads a last stand before being killed.

  The carnage on both sides has been colossal but no Fezians are left on the field. Even so, the Fezians driven from the filed will live to fight another day. Other Fezian and Bogavanian forces are in the area, ominous for the exhausted Aztec army.

  More reports will be added here tomorrow.


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