October Conversions - Resin Production, Princesses, Confederate, Hawkmen, 95th Riflemen, Swiss Napoleonic & The Bastards' Regiment

 First up is the ElastoWit Space Opera Princess From Flash Gordon. The Centre figure is the original. The other two are my resin copies.

                                            The figure at right still needs her base to be painted. I painted her in a reddish flesh color to represent a princess of Barsoom. She is somewhat overdressed for a Red Martian but maybe it is a ceremonial occasion.
  Another resin figure is from the Timpo wounded GI with a new head. I have painted him as a Confederate cavalryman in shell jacket and with neckerchief. He is yet to be given a base.
     The Hawkmen from Flash Gordon: The unpainted figure is the original ElastoWit Space Opera figure.
        The original weapon and helmet spikes did not come out in my resin copies so I made my own helmet devices from wire and putty and added new weapons. The glycerine/gelatin molds are good for about four castings before they need replacing. I might remake the mold as I want a larger unit. As well as retro SF I'll use these for my fantasy gaming, probably as winged Hillmen (my pseudo-Vikings). I am going to assume a smaller planet than Earth so that they can get airborne with those wings!
                     The right-hand figure has lower body taken from a plastic African native.
    I finally took out my Airfix Napoleonic French infantry and painted them. Some were already partially painted (very badly) by someone - the paint had been thickly applied enamels with bubbles evident!

  I based the color scheme on the Swiss who often had red or yellow jackets. However, these will first serve as a Beersteiner regiment - 'The Bastards'. These first wore a hodgepodge of uniforms and were recruited from a variety of sources, even including castle kitchen staff. They were not blooded in the recent battle for Jameswick, Beerstein's capital. After the Necrolians withdrew, a supply of unused uniforms was found in the castle. In order to bolster morale, The Bastards were given their new uniforms. A fresh onslaught of the Undead is expected at any moment and the castle defenders will look their best!

  The flag bearer, who appears to be an officer, is a Reamsa figure and is yet to be given a flag! I'll be adding pipe-cleaner plumes to the shakoes.

   95th Riflemen. These are my resin copies of an ElastoWit figure and will complete an existing unit made up of various makes. The figure at left had a distortion on his hat. These figures will serve as Beersteiner riflemen.


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