The Bastards get a New Uniform

 Whilst a child of many fathers so too were the uniforms of the 'Bastards' regiment. Originally it was a disparaging term from the other soldiers but ten they adopted it as their own.

  During the withdrawal of the forces of darkness King James ordered a search through the military supplies and this revealed the uniform supplies for a new regiment. The Bastards were to be the best turned out unit in the army. (Some of them were less enthusiastic to hear that they would also be positioned to bear the brunt of the next Undead attack).

  King James has also taken the time to don the gilded plate armor of his grandfather, James the First.


As mentioned in a previous post, the uniform colors are based on Swiss uniforms of the Napoleonic wars. I am not an expert on them but the uniform reference I saw with the larger plume denoted them as grenadiers. However, The Bastards are just standard troops. The plumes were made from cut up pipe cleaners. After the figures were painted and varnished, I added the pipe cleaners to holes I had previously drilled into the shakos. I found it hopeless to put the Super Glue in the holes first as I ended up with glue and pipe cleaner stuck to fingers and even a few stab wounds from the metal wire part; I ended up with bits of red pipe-cleaner protruding from holes in my fingers, something rather disconcerting! I learnt to place the pipe cleaner in the hole and then to add the glue.

  I am fairly happy with the plumes as they look nice and fluffy, like real plumes. On the other hand, if one looks closely one can see the wire in the middle of the plumes.

  As for the bases, I decided on a very green look so painted them green followed by mixed green flock. Usually, I go for a more nuanced approach with bare ground showing. Of course, whilst they are on castle walls the bases look completely out of place. I could also have painted the bases grey but, on most occasions, the troops will be on solid round rather than solid castle ramparts.



  1. Very innovative to use pipe cleaners as plumes. They looks like the real thing.
    Except for the plumes their uniforms looks very much like 1814-ish Norwegian infantry uniforms. I guess you made them out of 'French line infantry'?


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