Battle For The Serpent Temple A6
Army Lists
Army E2
Hero Xolo 1
17 Bow 0
12 Jaguar Knights 0
22 Heavy Infantry 14
Army CF
General Hzil 1
Wizard Chimaeli 1
18 Infantry 12
24 Infantry 21
6 Infantry
19 Elite Polka Dot Infantry 17
18 Bowmen
Stegadon 0
Army D
General Coyotly 1
Wizard Guatemoc Level 3 Lost one life
12 Bowmen 0
10 Bowmen (assigned to Stegadon Howdah) 0
Stegadon 0
24 Eagle Knights 8
Total 154 men plus stegadons
Hero, Magrab Cheo lost a life
Wizard Nazam (has lost one life) 0?
22 Hillmen (combi 2 units) 12
15 Ebon Lights 6
17 Bowmen 16
14 Bowmen 14
2 Cannons with crews ? intact
Flanking force
Mounted Hero (lost one life) 0
12 Plate cavalry 6
6 regular Cavalry 0
12 Mounted Bow 0
18 heavy Infantry (Yellow Robes) 14
General Adabert with heavy armor and horse 1
Hero Sir Reyber (Heavy armor and pistol) lost a life
24 Rifle Regiment 15
24 Matchlock Militia 14
24 heavy Infantry 13
24 Heavy Infantry 0
2 Cannons intact, including b4 extra crewmwn
160 total men Bog/Fez
Fezia/Bogavania - flank attack, cannons, slight numerical advantage, genie, more armor, cavalry, 4 heavy infantry units including elite Hillmen mercenaries, rifle unit
Aztecia - 2 Stegadons, Temple, one heavy unit, 3 elite units, 2 generals
Fezia/Bogavania Cannons come on from reserve, Hillmen are mercenaries
Aztecia - less armor, no cavalry
Both sides have 2 magic users
Rifle Unit
Half fire except for first turn of firing when all can fire and also have a half move and fire first turn of firing, may be in skirmish order without penalty to firing and more difficult for them to be shot, higher ballistic skill, maximum range shooting + 10 cm.
Temple - Aztec units and individuals within 20 cm get +1 initiative and in melee and +1 Leadership. Priests get + 1 on defensive magic
Bogavanian heavy infantry versus Eagle Knights
The Aztec left flankAztec center
Serpent Temple
Bogavanians on the flank
Aztec archers exchange shooting with Bogavanian muskets.
Bogavanian line
Genie with archers
Fezian center
Bogavanian supply wagons
Bogavanian general
Aztec sorcerer and archers in howdah
Bogavanian heavies versus Aztec heavies
Feziana archers about to be wiped out by Aztec archers
Stegadon (yes it is actually a triceratops) versus Fezian cavalry
The casualties on the silver lid were caused by an Aztec sorcerer's spell
Aztec archers on the temple
Elite Aztecs
Bogavanian artillery
The Bogavanian militia was drastically reduced.
The battle started well for my Aztecs. Both commanders were cautious, but my commander passed his Boldness roll so initiated an advance. Mat's Bogavanian general took three turns before he passed his boldness roll and so was limited in his army actions.
My two stegadons charged the archer unit which the genie was attached to. Terrified, they retreated but soon rallied. The genie was then able to cast spells but he failed to ever assume gigantic dimensions. The stegadons tied up many Fezians. On of them lost its entire howdah crew but the beast refused to abandon its masters' bodies. Eventually both beasts were killed.
On my right flank the Aztecs advanced and, despite some counter attacks by cavalry, forced back the Fezians.
Meanwhile, on my left the Bogavanian heavy infantry attacked and forced back my Aztecs. The unit of Eagle Knights and my commanding general were pushed from the field.
One of my wizards cast a spell which sent a large ball of power through three Fezian units, causing great damage. However, it was also a misfire which pulled the wizard and half the Jaguar Knights into a vortex.
Mat and I had both lost half our armies so did a count of casualties; Mat had lost slightly more men so did a general's leadership test; he passed.
Towards the end of the battle Mat had his newly arrived Bogavanian and Fezian artillery in line of sight and the Fezians scored a few hits on my archers.
At this point the Aztecs began moving South to make their exit. Mat lacked the cavalry to chase them as most of his cavalry had been destroyed. His plate cavalry were recovering from their fight with the stegadon.
The Aztecs have withdrawn to the capital. Will the campaign last long enough for the invaders to attack the capital? it is possible that the campaign ends at the end of next map move.
Both 'Third countries' are now on the back foot. So far Beerstein has been winning against Necrolia and now Fezia and Bogavania are winning against Aztecia.
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