Countdown 5 Weeks To Go Before my Toy Soldier Swap-meet in Melbourne

 I mentioned a while back I am hosting a swap-meet on March 1 at Sandringham Melbourne and 54mm ACW wargame on Sunday 2 March. Anyone interested can message me with contact details and I'll send the details to you.

  The funny thing is I have far more non-Australian blog and FB page/group followers than Australian. The biggest group of followers is in the US. Other large groups are in the Uk, Europe and a smaller group from Latin American countries, Asia and elsewhere. I'm not expecting a huge influx from overseas, but I know there are quite a few Australian followers.

  For the swap-meet I am keeping it broad enough to cover traditional toy soldiers, plastic and metal, kits, 'plastic green army men', civilians, wargame figures, Warhammer, model and military magazines and so on.

 And here are some pics to get your attention:


  1. I'm sure it will be fun. I look forward to the photos. -- Gary in Texas

  2. Thanks Gary. Too bad you won't be there. There will be people travelling 100s of kilometers to get there including from interstate who, in some cases, could be travelling thousands.

  3. Too bad your show is not in my neighborhood, I would loved to visit it!

  4. Yes! Well Roger, at least we can instantaneously compare notes and our toy soldiers from the other end of the Earth, something once unimaginable except by some SF writers. This change is the more perceptible the older we are. For me two thirds of my life there was no such thing as the Internet. For others they have known it all their lives.
    What's more, I can remember watching Star Trek in the 1960s and marveling at small things like 'automatic doors' (actually they were secretly manually moved) and 'communicators' which some one saw on the show and then he went on to invent mobile phones.

    1. ... - and then you didn't noe that even mobile phones would be computers.
      I first saw 'internet' while I was doing service in Bosnia, and thought it was slow and pretty useless. -Famous Last words!!


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