Sunday Market Op Shop January 2025 Sweep, Part 1
Scouring op shops and Sunday markets is a treasure hunt It is rare to find a great number of collectable figures at op shops but occasionally it does happen; more often I find non collectable SF and fantasy toys, dinosaurs and vehicles that I can convert for my fantasy/SF scenarios. This past Sunday I got quite a few 1960s toy soldiers and got them for a bulk bargain. They vary in value with a number being damaged and others being what we collectors once called 'Hong Kong crap'. On the other hand, even they have nostalgia, and HK no longer exists as an independent entity.
Lone Star British paratroopers: the middle and right hand one have lost the end of the tommy gun and flamethrower.
The lot in a somewhat blurred pic:Lone Star: I was glad to get the Aussie Bren gunner as my own recently suffered an accident which broke off the weapon. However, it is missing the stand or rest for the gun.
Lone Star paratroopers
These fantasy figures I find useful for my fantasy units. The figure at left will probably donate his head to a human figure. The snake man might be part of either my Hillmen or Chaos. The short green bloke may be given a beard and will join the ranks of the dwarfs.
'Undersized' green army men. Some may be copies of hard plastic Monogram. At the bottom of the photo are copies of Herald modern British infantry.
At right are Herald British ceremonials, one missing his drum. The one at bottom right had no markings and i expect it is a product of one of the small British makers.
Cereal packet copies of Marx WW2 GIs. These figures I also had as a child and still have,
Cereal packet copies of Crescent and a more recent cowboy with lasso:
Copies of Timpo 8th Army and a more recent barney Rubble based on the movie version:
Copies of Timpo left top and left middle plus a broken copy at right middle. Copies of Herald at bottom. 1/72 figure at top right:
Lone Star Africa Corps with lack gunk (probably melted plastic) added:
Flat Indian at top, Britains swoppet modern infantry at middle and Lone Star knight at bottom.
Copy of Speedwell white hunter with yellow gunk added:
Lone Star German flame thrower at left, Toltoy made in Australia(?) 70mm GI, unidentified white plastic 50mm figure, Bull Fighter, missing left hand (and rag) with made in England in a circle on the top of the base and P over H in a circle, also on the top of the base, Flat made in Australia (Toltoys) Indian, Swoppet Britains, Timpo German, early series, and Lone Star knight:
Bullfighter at middle:
Herald, left and middle. What is the figure at right?
Copies of Timpo:
Lone Star:
Copies of Timpo:
Little blokes:
The weird and wonderful:
Large scale snake helmet:
Size comparison:
It looks like horse or other animal armor.
Right, Copy of Timpo missing legs:
These figures have been strenuously played with, and a number were coated in dirt, so I gave them a good wash with detergent and toothbrush. The ones with 'gunk' I have given a stronger soak in the hope of removing the paint/putty gunk. The black gunk is probably permanent.
Some figures I'll keep unaltered and others I'll convert or just repaint and others I might sell or swap.
The 'undersized' 35mm or 45mmfigures reminded me of the ones I played with in my childhood. They were used alongside the larger 54m WW2 but they were good for hiding behind chair legs and the like - harder to hit with marbles or matchsticks.
The much more recent fantasy figures will probably get the first conversion treatment. The figures with black gunk might be the next to get converted.
Nice find!
ReplyDeleteI'll look forward to what you make of them.