Expeditionary Force Ancient Egyptians
I have a number of Expeditionary Force sets but put off gluing them together. So far, I had assembled one figure, a Macedonian cavalryman to be one of my Patran generals. I still have several boxes of ancients and Zulu War figures I have not assembled, the latter I have had for several years. This time I took a box of Egyptian infantry and command group on a camping trip. It was easier than taking all my paints to paint figures.
I used Super Glue, which worked fine although it likes to stick to fingers first and kit parts second.
It takes an hour or two to assemble all the figures.
All the leg poses are the same.
The heads don't sit quite naturally on the necks.
The neck decorations don't lie flat on the skin.
The arrows are easy to bend and to eventually break.
As the figures are kit figures it avoids having wedges of plastic between gaps.
They are nicely sculpted figures.
The arms and heads can be angled in different positions.
The plastic is hard and good for paint.
The weapons are a nice variety and of a firm material.
The arrow already got bent. The other archers I assembled without arrows as if they had already been loosed. I am not sure if that object with the second figure is intended as a fan or an emblem.
I have assembled just over half the figures from the two sets and might make some spare parts from molds before I assemble the rest.
In general, I am impressed by the figures and they will go well with my Atlantic, Supreme and Cherilea figures. They will join the Egyptian section of my Patran army,
I'll paint these figures some time over the next week.
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