My Monster in My Pocket resin copies came out successfully. Any figures that have substantial and continuous lower sections, such as dresses, or in this case a cauldron tend to come out well.
The creature is emerging from a cauldron, and I envisaged it as either ghostly or slimy so they turned out a bit of both and will be more so when I gloss them. I placed a True Legends witch or sorceress as if she had conjured the creature.
The colors are meant to look gross so that one can almost smell the pus. The purply creature had some distortion in the casting to make the head skinnier than his mates. The base of the cauldron's I have painted as if some of the liquid contents of the cauldron fell on the ground. Ochre followed by yellow were the base color with some green dapple and white dry brushing. The cauldron is a dark bronze. The figure at far right had a bubble n his hand which I painted as an eye.
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