Monsters In My Pocket Resin Copies

 I have a collection of very rubbery Monsters In My Pocket. They have some unusual and grotesque creatures.

  At top is a creature emerging from a caldron so I imagine some witches standing around it. The bottom one is a winged serpentine creature. I made a tomb stone head from one of these and I'll show it in a future post.

The rubbery plastic is not easy to get to hold paint, but the resin is fine. I'll post pics when I paint them.

Resin is nasty stuff to get on skin. It won't burn the skin, but it is sticky and hard to get off so I use disposable rubber gloves. The two parts also have to be of equal proportions. I must have slightly misjudged some mixes as I had whole batches that I had to throw out and the uncured resin is hard to remove from the molds. I use paper tape and tissues but at least once I just threw the molds in the bin. I was not sure if the previous residue would interfere with the casting the new lot.

  That is also a reason to do only a few molds at a time as it is easier to judge the proportions of the resin and if something goes wrong there is less wastage. I lost the contents of ten or twelve molds a few times.

  I am still using glycerin and that stuff we use in jellies - gelatin. It can be melted down and used to make another mold. Over time a certain amount of resin will blend with this mix; I don't know how much that matters but so long as it is minute it probably does not. Just don't let anything eat it once it has resin pollution.


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