Summary of the Mexican Civil War game

The game was a test for my new wargame set up featuring desert, river and Aztec type ruins. Mathew , as General Gomaz, commanded the Army of the North and I, as General Ramez commanded Army South.

The game was very loosely based on the Mexican Revolution but intended as a few years  earlier. The flags are mostly from 19th century wars, notably the Mexican Adventure. Some of the flags are completely fictitious and are the Funny Little Wars ones from the Virtual Armchair General. The figures are from many sources. One unit which was finished the night before is the khaki one in slouch hats and is based on a Mexican Revolution uniform found in the Osprey book but the flag is a FLW one.
The scenario was that each side began with three regiments with a further eight in reserve. Reserves were brought on as in Warhammer 40K rules with greater chance as moves progress. Two designated units on each side could do a flanking arrival with half a move left. This proved to be decisive for Army South.

First move was simultaneous and then alternate.Two cannons and a Gatling gun for each side arrived in from about move three. Although Army South had to cross a river it managed to deploy its fire power fairly effectively and to concentrate its advance on the right flank. Artillery fire on both sides was ineffective for most of the game, although an Army South shell managed to cause damage to an Army North regiment scaling the 'pyramid'. The Army South Gatling caused quite a few casualties in support of the Army South advance.

Army South cavalry intercepted and was counter charged by Army North cavalry and the latter retreated, only to be attacked by Army South rurale (para military) reserves arriving on the right flank. In fact Army North's left flank was very vulnerable. Some dismounted Army South cavalry also took pot shots on this flank. Army South skirmishers advanced over the central hill and added their fire power.

On the other flank elite Army South infantry took casualties until it stopped to shoot, aided by the fire power of another regiment and drove back the gringo volunteers.

Army South had a clear victory as it had inflicted many more casualties on Army North. Both sides held an objective at the end of the game at move twelve.

However the behaviour of the generals on each side was the reverse. Army South rurales, emboldened by their recent success attempted to capture or kill General Gomaz. General Gomaz, aided by his small lancer bodyguard counter charged and drove them off. General Ramez, on the other hand, stopped for a pleasant interlude with a local senorita and ignored the battle for two moves!

(The last was determined by the Funny Little Wars event deck and it was the only time a one or two was rolled to initiate the drawing of a card).


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