The Federals Triumph

The battle began at 10.45 AM and concluded at 2.45 AM. After nine moves it was apparent that the North held three towns and disputed the third.

The commanders were brothers and, as usual, Mat and Ryan's sibling rivalry was marked. Reckless suicidal cavalry charges by both sides were typical.

Approximately twenty regiments a side, with extra cavalry reserves on the CSA side and extra cannon on the Union side were employed. Neither side knew what reserves were to arrive and when they did they were temporarily hidden to the other side by intervening forest.

Confederates in foreground face the  Federals advance. Neville the cat thought the whole thing to be very interesting.

Federals move in to town.

Above; Federal lines.

Above: Confederates are strong on the right flank.

A Confederate regiment has crossed the bridge.

Confederate reserves advance on the town on the other side of the river.


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