Space Ork Flash Gitz

Flash Gitz are the Ork nobz that have the best weapons or Snazz gun. They can be upgraded to make them potentially very powerful Orks with cyborg bodies and eavy armor. The weapons can be upgraded for greater fire power and AP.

Games Workshop doesn't make a separate Flash Gitz set so I made my own. My earlier ones were normal sized orks but as they are now clearly designated as nobs I did some new conversions. Most of them have pirate hats made from putty. One figure's eapon is a composite of tyrannid gun and ork pistol whilst anotherhas a space marine heavy weapon from the Space Crusade set with an axe handle added. I have also used non-Games Workshop parts such as ork heads from Eureka Miniatures and an unidentified metal human figure in greatcoat with plastic GW bits added for armor. I also used Space Marine shoulder pads and putty..

Orks are either brave or stupid as they wade through the toxic dump.



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