
Last Saturday Games Workshop released the Morkanaut/Gorkanaut. Basically it is a large ork walker but less large than the Superheavy Stomper. I assembled the kit as a Morkanaut, which comes with invulnerable saving forcefieled, mega-cannon, custom mega-blasta, twin linked big shootas and rokkit launchers - yes the orks spell it that way! I can carry six orks and burnaboys would serve well here to come out in time to deal with enemy infantry that might have nasty metal destroying weapons.

I spent about seven ours assembling it whilst watching old black and white episodes of Doctor Who and Lost in Space. I spent a couple of hours painting it. I used a brown undercoat, which would be excellent for undercoating khaki clad or dull coloured troops, perhaps even using the colour for some items of clothing and equipment but it was not ideal for yellow! White would have reduced the five or six coats of yellow required but it was good for painting glimpses of interior details on the walker.
Unfortunately I lost a couple of kit bits before I finished assemblage so I used putty to strengthen the join on the mega-cannon which does reduce the ability to swivel it. I had to convert the skorcha (which goes with the Gorkanaut option) into a mega-blasta after losing the latter.

                                   Below you can see the Morkanaut alongside my red Stompa.





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