2500 points of Dark Elves

After 12 months of painting I finally finished an army of Dark Elves. They are a mixture of old metal figures and new plastic. I picked Dark Elves because, like Dark Eldar in 40K, I think they are the best looking army in Warhammer.

I have had two games so far, one against Lizadmen and one against Undead and I have to say that my army was almost destroyed by both. I don't attribute this to failings in the Dark Elf ability but rather to my struggling to learn the rules and to be aware of charge distances. I managed to fall victim, in both games, to being charged first. The Undead giant bat was a particular pain in the belfry as it could fly to outflank where I had no way of turning to charge it. I think a reserve unit might be needed to guard the rear.

You might not think I have trouble with my eyesight given my painting skills but  although I am fine with looking at things close up I am very short sighted. My glasses don't help much with middle distance and I struggle to read points and rules sheets unless I take my glasses off and hold them very close. I have decided to photocopy the points list larger and with appropriate colour code and drawings so I can find things quickly. With annotations on the rules I should get through things better. I think last time I overlooked that my witches had an extra attack for two close combat weapons and so on.
So far I have been most impressed by my Cold One knights as they have dealt out the most damage and been best, with two plus saves at sustaining it.

Hopefully I'll be better prepared when the tournament begins in a couple of weeks. Below are some pics of the army.

 The harpies managed to destroy a bat swarm in the last game and dealt with some flying reptiles in the earlier game against the lizardmen.
My heroes, or should that be heroines, were a Witch Hag and a sorceress. I colour code hero bases purple and unit leaders green/


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