New Great Sword Mercs for the approaching Siege

The Great Swords have a Renaisance flavour and were originally intended as
54mm versions of Games Workshop Empire soldiers. Instead, they have become mercenaries in the war between Bogavania and Beerstein. The have been serving Beerstein relatively loyally in its invasion of Bogavania. Two Beersteiner armies have joined to conduct a looming siege of the Bogavanian Castle Mattla. Both Beersteiner armies included Great Swords, hence my need to produce more.

I had some nice resin and Historex bare heads, originally intendedfor Napoleonic sitting in a spares box for a few years and no they have found purpose. Fifures converted include Timpo, Timpo copies and copies of britains Detail as well as some other made in China figures and an Airfix one. I am out of those nice wavy Britains swords and Timpo two handed swords those these newbies might have to content themselves with axes.
The mounted figure, I think was a chess piece. The horse was hollow and was filled, by me, with cotton wool and Super Glue followed by putty. The head was changed for a Britains detail crowned one as he is going to be my new verion of the Beersteiner king, who will be present at the siege.


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