Bogavanians Drive Out small Beerstein force, Capture prisoners But New Threats Emerge

The Bogavanians are celebrating a victory over the Beersteiners in a small but much needed battle outcome. The battle occured in the Western border region which had fallen to Beerstein in the last campaign.

The Beersteiners were outnumbered two or perhaps three to one. Nevertheless, the two mounted crusader units bravely moved forward to meet the Beersteiners. The Bogavanian mounted knights were faster and charged into the front crusader unit, crippling it with over fifty percent casualties and yet it fought on for some time. The second crusader unit charged into the flank of the second Bogavanian mounted plate which was pursuing the Mongol mercenary mounted bowmen. and decimated it. Meanwhile mail armoured foot troops joined the fray against the first crusaders. Finally, the remaining four crusaders were led away to captivity.

The Mongols made a parting shot, killing one mail armoured soldier and wounding another, before fleeing over the bridge and towards another Beersteiner force in another hex, unknown to the Bogavanians.

Bogavanian forces

                                           The Beersteiners
                                                   The Mongols leave the field.
                                   Mercenary Hillmen in Bogavanian employ grumble about rations .
                                                Crusaders fight almost to the bitter end.
                                               Bogavanians continue their advance.
                                                Crusader prisoners led away.
                       Mongols leave the field and send a few fruitless arrows back at the Bogavanians.

                                             Peasants cheer the return of their old masters.

Outcome: The Bogavanians lose a unit knights and nearly half of another. Two chain-mail armed men are dead. Two Beersteiner crusader units are destroyed. x 121 is back under Bogavanian control. The Mongols live to join other forces. The Hillman mercenaries on the Bogavanian side had a difference over pay and left the battlefield. In a future battle they will come from rserve, with a penalty delaying their arrival.


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