Multi Purpose use Of Figures and Fictional Versus Historical

Those with a keen eye will notice that in my latest game British colonial, Japanese and Boers all served as 'Cortezians' or my Mexican analogues.

Actually although the battles are set in a parallel universe most of the units follow historical uniforms and weaponry. There were Mexicans in the Revolution who wore pith helmets. I converted some AIP figures with additions of bandoleers but didn't get around to making a whole unit so I fleshed out the unit with British figures and changed the flag and officer. In reality the Mexicans did not wear puttees and had different equipment but visually it works. Likewise for the Japanese. The uniform and cap are very similar to federalist troops. I converted a handful of figures,giving them sandals and no colored cap band, but again, I completed the unit with actual Japanese figures and changed the flag. As for the Boers the Mexicans did not always wear sombreros and the equipment is similar. The only real difference is that there are more blondes among the Boers and a little lighter colored skin and more blue eyes but even they have suntans.

The Mexican figures include some figures originally meant for the Alamo and Mexican War period - you can see some lancers with Zorro hats and the Timpo conversions actually had their bullet loops trimmed off as they were meant for the Mexican War in a period before use of metal cartridges. Also lancers were not used in the Mexican Revolution so again, my battle is from a fictional war. There were more colorful Mexican units meant for the 1860s I could have used but I have leaned towards the Revolution for general appearance.

I couldn't resist using my Santa Anna figure although he belongs over half a century earlier. He was converted from an Action Pack Wellington with pipe cleaner plumes. Of course now he is Santa Anna The Third. His guard are in completely fictitious uniforms and are made from Helmet figures. Eventually I want to make a full unit of them.

The 'Amerigans' are mostly AIP Spanish American War but fleshed out with ACW, mostly with slouch hats as not being too removed in appearance. I didn't have many American figures for the Pershing Expedition so I set the war in an earlier period. I always loved those Timpo Action Pack charging Confederates but as you can see some ended up as Yankees. Their shell jackets pass muster as shirts. If I was painting them specifically for this period they would have got khaki hats with the possibility of khaki trousers.

The flags are a mixture of ACW, historical Mexican flags and Armchair General fictitious flags for both sides, Patrick makes two types of Mexican or 'Army Lime Green Mexican flag - one for 'Army of the North' and one for 'Army of the South'. (Incidentally you can get his flags by e-mail and they are quite cheap and Patrick is great to deal with),

You can have any country starting a war with any other or even having interesting border sharing - Japan or Russia (or their equivalents) sharing a border with the USA (or its equivalent). Bob has Mexico sharing a border with Mongolia. I have the CSA surviving or winning the ACW and being a force in the world in the 1900s. You can also go steam punk to varying degrees and convert steam vehicles from various toys and models or even introduce steam or clock powered powered walkers.  I still have to explore this scenario. Finally, having fictitious countries allows some fun with invented uniforms and flags, fictitious leaders - President Troomp, Secretary of State Archie Bunker, Vice President Biff Turtledove, Colonels Charleton Heston, Marcher and so on.


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