Cheapo Aztec And Indian Conversions

I mentioned in an earlier post tat I had to find more Aztecs in a hurry for a game. I have done a bit more work on some of these figures. As I needed them in a hurry I did not make them with 100% historical accuracy and they were for a fictional scenario anyway. They are a bit rough but filled the ranks.
         These ones add to an existing unit. Left is a copy of Lone Star, then a BMC Indian and a copy of Airfix. This colour scheme is authentic and I like it as it is sort of a cross between the Mickey Mouse sorcerer and a clown! Aztec loin cloths differ from their cousins further North as they tend to protrude from the front of pant suits. Some depictions have them on the outside of the suit but don't seem to be at the rear.

           Aztec sometimes were armed with round ended wooden clubs so some of the clubs were left as is and others were made from wire and putty.

           Indians below came from a cheapo set from China which includes my favourite one with sword. One of these Indians had bison head dress and machete. The latter were cut down to be wooden swords with obsidian edging. The result was a little short. The other had his axe replaced with wire and putty club. The left hand figure was given a tiddliwink shield.
 The Indians had their head gear extended with putty to form wooden animal or monster head helmets. The teeth were roughly etched in to the helmets an accentuated with dark grey lining.


Yep, nothing wrong with their high fibre diets!
(Well even Shakespeare resorted to cheap puns)
I used these old HK swoppet Indians as Aztecs without really turning them into Aztecs. I have started doing some more work on them, keeping them as either plains Indians or woodland Indians. I have added putty loin cloths and filled gaps at the waist to make a sort of sash. I didn't completely repaint them but used Games Workshop and other washes on the plastic. I also added some putty hair. Some wobbly rifles were cut down into clubs. These figures were cheap and nasty but varied in quality. Some were fairly good copies of Britains Swoppets. Others had rather short legs and rubbery weapons.


                                     Another swoppet HK with added war paint but no loin cloth yet.
                   The made in China giant at left with tiny loin cloth towers over the HK swoppet.
                                                              More swoppet HK
  This is a recent made in China cheapo. He would probably have made a better figure of Thor with that hammer!

                                         Left: Barzo and right BMC Custer set
                                                         Right; Marx


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