Holy Cow

I always like to pick up odd figures, usually 54mm, in different places. I came across this Indian god (which one eludes me) in an Indian specialty shop in Melbourne. Despite looking so pretty it is a male figure, playing  flute next to the obligatory cow. It is about the right scale, although the large head gives it child like proportions. I feature it hear next to a Cresent Indian Army WW1 figure. The material is like a tough resin and the same as Lemax figures are made from.

I'm not sure if I'll ever find a use for it - maybe some sort of court scene - but I will eventually repaint it as it does have a very pinkish skin color for an Indian figure, although as a god it could also have  blue skin.

At $6 it is not what I would normally pay for an individual figure but I'm not buying a regiment of them.


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