New Crypt Guard Conversion

The Crypt or Grave Guard are a Warhammer elite unit for Vampire Counts. I am currently adding to my 1/32 version of Warhammer armies.

This figure is a Britains Detail knight with a new head. I show the 'donor' figure which came from a made in China cheapo set of SF/Fantasy figures that came out years ago. I don't remember their title or when they came out but I seem to recall the 80s. What was cool about these figures is that they came with some really nice shields and a choice of clubbing and slicing weapons or ray guns, some which looked like mini bazookas. A lot of the shields, which had nice hubs and protrusions, found their way to my Action pack Timpo Arabs. Anyway, I liked the head on this particular figure as I wanted my Detail knight to not look too much like a regular knight.

I used a black acrylic spray undercoat (Games Workshop). I painted the bone off white, leaving eye sockets black, I also use brown or flesh washes (again GW) followed by white highlights. Later I added points of red in the eye sockets to represent the magical power sustaining the skeleton warrior. (How else r so many bones going to stay together without muscles and tendon to hold them together - not to mention absence of brain, get the picture).

The armor was painted with a paint I had called Tinny tin, identical to a GW color which used to be called Tin bits. it is a dark bronze. This was highlighted with a mix of the base with gun metal. The helmet wings had some gold  highlights. I added some dry brushed green corrosion - after all he hs been moldering in the ground or a crypt somewhere. The shield was painted - wait for it - my favorite fantasy color - purple, with some blotches of blue..

                          Here he is with an added Britains Detail ax and long hair extended with putty.

                                                Here is the donor figure for the head.
Later I'll base the figure on the same kind of  4cm by 4cm card base as my other skellies. (I'm always slap dash in my ordr of doing things).


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