ACOTS 2018

ACOTS stands for Australian Collectors of Toy Soldiers.

ACOTS is an informal association of toy soldier collectors and wargamers with the biggest focus on 54mm and 60mm plastics. Many of us love metal and other scales as well. This Friday was our yearly swapmeet and 54mm wargames will occur over the weekend.

As usual, the swapmeet started before the actual day with furtive exchanges of figures and money. I sold a number of the last serious of swoppet Timpo cowboys and a set of large scale silver plastic American historical leaders to Tony. We had over thirty people at Bob's place on good Friday and it was a very good Friday for getting toy soldiers. Bob also has his shed display of hundreds of his Funny little Wars troops, featuring converted Britains detail, with backpacks, marching through a town of Lemax civilians.

Saturday morning we visited Andrew's Military Hobbies shop and many bargains were found there. Andrew stocks both second hand and new toy soldiers as well as hobby material and Warhammer and Inquisition second hand figures.

The wargames at Steve's shed were all medieval. There were twelve people playing three games simultaneous with a pair of players on each side. Points were recorded for inflicting casualties on the opposing side's army and these were counted up at the end. The champion was veteran wargamer, Palmersaurus. On Sunday we had another medieval game. this time one large four hour game with four players aside. After a long struggle to obtain the hill and ruin these were still in dispute at the end of the game with one side deciding to finish early before the ruin was properly disputed! All the figures were Steve's brilliantly painted figures with his newest Expeditionary forces especially standing out.

Other events were a visit to 'Hoffy's' house where Deb provided us with an excellent supper. The splendidFriday lunch made by Angie and Steve's wife's provided us with excellent food provided on the Sunday afternoon. On the Sunday morning Brian and Lynne made us all a great breakfast at their place and we examined Brian's new shed and his many and varied 54mm Napoleonic conversions.

Saturday night we had our usual meal out and then returned to Bob's house to make the wargaming awards, eat Angie's delicious trifle and Hoffy, as official organizer, this year, continued with his usual good natured, cheerful banter..

Next convention will be in Bachus Marsh Victoria - not in an actual swamp, though! Nigel and Jamie will be hosting it. It will be first for this specific location and we will be using a tennis court hall.

Unfortuantely, despite taking many pictures the memory card in my digital camera has broken and I might not be able to retrieve the photos. I shall be posting pictures of some of my many aquisitions.


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