What's Happening With My Toy Soldiers

As mentioned last post ACOTS will be my main focus this week. I'll be taking only a small number of swaps because I'll be travelling by hitching, public transport and then plane. Among the swaps will be a couple of my medieval wagon and peasant conversions.

Other than that my local wargaming opponent, Mat (who lives in my street), and I will, after Easter, play another round of Gerolstein versus Chaos but this time we swap sides. We already diced for spies and the location of the sacrificial altar. It turned out neither side has any spies and the altar is not far from Gerolstein's deployment zone in the South. However, as in last game there is cover for secret deployment of some Chaos forces and their deployment zone (most of the table) is also not far away. Also, instead of a mountain the gap in the board is now open ground which can be crossed. That could be good for Gerolstein if I get a killing ground established for my rifles and machine guns. Needless to say, I won't be charging up the road with the omnibuses, as Mat did.

I'll also be extending the account of the first Gerolstein versus Chaos wargame as a story with some basic character development, That's not something I've done a lot of since I was a boy when I used to write a lot of very long stories (generally historically of SF based) for school. I've already written down quite a lot in my note book and need to put it on the blog.

I have a plan to expose Mat's Chaos warriors hiding places early but I'm not going to reveal it here because he might read this! Hiding areas are mainly forest although his giant is too big to hide in most areas. If I have line of site the hidden forces are revealed on a D6 roll of five or six and if my men are close it is a four five or six. The sooner I  can see them the sooner I can shoot 'em. I'll need to see the Bloodletters at a distance as they will have a higher magic save this time - 4-5 unlike everything else except the Chaos Lord who as a 3+ magic save. The other creatures don't get much of a save from shooting although some have multiple saves - giant, trolls and minotaurs.

As for painting I'm painting a unit of Hat Prussian militia and the usual eclectic mix of odds and sods.

On the non-wargaming/toy soldier front I painted my cartoons on a ukulele for a local song writers group and it will be raffled off as a prize.

Expect, after Easter, a lot of photos of the ACOTS event.


  1. I hope you and your friends have a wonderful time at Acots. I look forward to the photographs.


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