More Old Metals For Painting

 Is it my advancing years that makes me increasingly drawn to to civilian stuff or is it a vision of refugee columns fleeing advancing invading toy soldier armies?

This bunch of figures has been stewing in metho for over a year. They were rather scruffy when I put them in there and certainly look sad now but I am going to make them look a whole lot better when I'm finished.

The cow is Britains and lacked a right horn. It isn't shown here but I have replaced it from putty. The Britains? pig's head is caved in a little. The ducks or geese and rooster just need some new paint. I don't know their brand. The man is Lincoln Logs and I think the woman with baby is a home casting of modern a Britains.

I'm not sure of the brand but he is just crying out for a new paint job.
                                              The pig has now got some putty implants.
  So here they are undercoated with an anti-corrosive silver spray. it is meant to deter corrosion on steel but I figured it might also be good for lead. They look so good I would almost leave them that way, almost.

The instructions said quick drying so i thought I'd start doing a little painting a few hours later. Then I noticed the silver paint running into the flesh enamel. I got away with it on the humans but it really began to show on the pig which has streaks of silvery flesh so I'll have to give another coat when that is dry. How long before it does not run I wonder?

I also found a metal base for the sailor and painted his skin and base; more on that in a future post.


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