Yet More Pine Cone Pine Trees.

I found the best way to cut off the bases of the cones was to chip away with an axe! If you do this watch your fingers - (health and safety required statement).

I liberally applied PVA to the bases of the cones and left them to dry upside down before hot gluing them to the insulation blue polystyrene. Then I coated the whole with PVA and sawdust. This all serves to strengthen the cones and will glue in place any stray spiders, termites and bugs! (I'd prefer to rescue them, here possible, but I'm more interested in not having little critters stumbling across my wargame board, unless they are plastic and metal ones!)

You can see I have used opened pine cones this time as well as the closed ones. I think the latter look more like pruned trees.

Again, the aim is some quaint looking trees for Funny Little Wars type games but a step above just using unaltered pine cones.

I'll post further pictures when they are painted and flocked.


  1. Very old school James. Donald Featherstone, War Games 1962: How to Lay Out A Battlefield chapter- ā€œwhen war games started in the writerā€™s house, trees were made plentifully from pine cones dyed green and fixed to the table with a daub of plasticine!ā€


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