From the Work bench August/September

Here is another bunch of AIP Boxers ready to get their last overcoat. Also is a stray Bones buggy critter yet to be painted. Also there is a Gerolsteiner made from a Timpo Action pack Napoleonic, an unidentified cheapo Indian and a Russian napoleonic AIP artilleryman. As you can see I am not entirely methodical except that i have covered some general color schemes for the Chinese. (In fact they would have been more motley rather than more uniform).

                                 Call to Arms and Italeri Romans. Unfortunately the latter have lost their shields, a problem I'll tackle ... eventually. I don't know what the copy of Timpo is doing in the corner - showing off his superior armor, I suppose. As for the Romans I have decided to not worry unduly about mixing Imperial and Republican types as my Roman army is not big enough to be choosy. In any case, most of my battles are generic and even entirely fantasy in makeup. In our Bogavanian-Beerstein campaign we were considering introducing ancient Romans to fight medievals! Quite a few of the conversions were from Biblical era anyway.
                                  So here is the actual work bench. It always fascinates me how neat workbenches are that are featured on various toy soldier blogs. The thing is I get bored with one project and switch to another but leave the old project to remind me to finish it! The pros are: plenty of visual stimulation and reminders. The cons are: things disappear, either dropped behind other things or get knocked onto the floor to disappear for several months and sometimes nearly finished figures get the odd stray blob of paint on them.
                                    ACW Scots - an Italeri Bavarian, the one that had to be glued back together - the plume tip needs to be white and a Crimean era conversion from an Accurate ACW.
              Cheapo modern American infantryman, cheapo copy of Matchbox 8th Army Scot and conversion from a home casting Britains guardsman into a Rifles figure. Yes, they partially block the telly but it doesn't phase me.
      Marx West Point cadets or Funny Little Wars material. I need to finish off some existing units.
                  More Romans and the odd Greek. If the ancients bug maintains its bite I'll paint these figures.
                             The Roman lights need new metal spears to replace their 'fishing rods'.


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