Indian Converted Into Orc Or Similar

I have a number of damaged Crescent Indians so now I'm going to make them more 'damaged'. This one had a chewed? war bonnet so off with his head! The tomahawk was replaced with a spare sword and some putty used to suggest leather vest and shoulder pad. The other shoulder is a GW Space Marine's. The very cool head is from Eureka Miniatures. I have used these heads extensively in 54mm conversions and also with GW smaller scale orks that have big heads anyway. If you need some of these heads message Nick and Eureka and he'll make some for you. Some heads have chainmail, others horned helmets and then there is this one which is vaguely mongol, quite appropriate for what i want.

The orcs, especially as depicted by GW, tend to have a simian appearance and green skin. I decided to make some with more human proportions. The motivation was reading my Lost Regiment series. they aren't called orcs but the cover art suggests so, although more of a light brown skin toned than green, like lord of the Rings orcs. in the Lost regiment books they are about eight feet tall. Next to a 54mm figure these 60mm figures won't be quite that tall but will give the impression of still being big. In my general fantasy games I may call them 'man-orcs' and give them the toughness and strength of 'big un' orcs but initiative equal to humans.

I'll post pics when it is painted.


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