Steam Tanks

I just finished reading number six of the Lost Regiment series which included mass steam 'tank' battles. Well, strictly speaking they weren't tanks because they had six large wheels instead of tracks. The author described the hellish inside conditions very well; it is uncomfortable enough inside a tank with diesel engine so imagine it having a coal burner!

Anyway it started me thinking about 'steam punk' or Victorian SF. Generally I don't like to make things from scrap and instead hack up old toys. One which had a tunneling device has had it replaced with a large cannon. Eventually I'm going to add a deck and make it more like a ship. The other one may have been Masters of the Universe but I'm unsure; it's telescoping skull with droppable ramp is a nice touch. It looks like it belongs to the bad guys, maybe a wizard who has decided to add technology to his defences. I added a toy train steam stack and hollowed out the two guns.

                                    The steam stack was taken from a fancy perfume bottle.

A couple of AIP Germans are placed next to the vehicle for scale and, in case you were wondering, the figures in the distance are of an ancients army for my next wargame.


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