Carthaginians versus Romans Battle of the Two Forests Part 1

Mat and I are playing another Romans versus Carthaginians game, this time on a narrower table. this meant that the mies came into contact faster. Our armies were also slightly larger than last time and with a Roman secret weapon. We also made the Carthaginians stronger with better armor than in the last game. The exception was the cavalry which was lighter and faster but with less armor. They still had two war elephants/ Mat was the Carthaginians. We also had some light infantry on both sides and only the Romans had a catapult which could fire every second turn.

Victory conditions are based on unit destruction or attrition.

      The Romans with allied archers. The gap in the table  counted as a mountain.
   Mat won the initiative and charged in with his chariots that did considerable damage to the Roman Super heavies until the Romans  destroyed them.
                             Mat's light cavalry also charged in but suffered a hit from the catapult first. They also were destroyed but only after they had caused a fair bit of damage to the Roman infantry.

The Romans also released their secret weapon - burning, squealing pigs, that caused the war elephant to retreat. it has since rallied. The pigs then changed direction and headed into a melee with the two sides infantry. So far they have not set any men alight but they did ignite a small area of forest.

The chariot versus infantry and cavalry versus cavalry melee.
Unfortunately the camera ran out of battery but on the other side of the filed the Romans drove off the other war elephant, which is wandering the field and very sore. The Romans also drove back some Carthaginian Celtic allies who had charged through the forest. The Romans are also flanking the Carthaginian archers who have been depleting the romans Numidian light infantry allies. However, the carthaginians have some intact infantry spearmen strongly placed in that area.

Hopefully my battery will be charged for the remaining six or so moves we will resume after lunch. I'll post more reports soon.


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