Supreme Spartans

One thing about the Supreme figures is that they are cheap. They are nice sculpts but there are two things I don't like - their size and their bendyness; they are a little large to go with my 54 mm figures but I'll use them anyway. The weapons tend to look what they are - plastic. In the end I cut off the swords, drilled out hand and made long spears for them. Even then some figures bend a bit at the ankles.

I also cut  notches in the inside of the elbow in the right arms and bent the arms in to cover the bodies with the shields.

Judging from the palms it looks like these fellows have visited Egypt.

There are different versions of the pattern on the shields but the consistent thing in the inverted red or white V. Someone out there might know the origin of the symbol.


  1. The "^" is the Greek letter Lamda; the Spartans were Lacedaemonians in Greek hence the first letter is used as a symbol. Mantina similarly used a "M" as theirs.


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