Orc And Gretchen (Goblins) Continued

I have been adding more conversions of various figures into my orcs and gretchen (goblins). I generally follow the Warhammer and Warhammer 40 K idea that orcs are big and a bit stupid and the gretchen are smarter and cunning but lorded over by the orcs. The orcs use them as a screen against enemy missiles and occasionally eat them!

On the other hand, puny though they are, the gretchen  are more accurate at shooting.
Below is another photo of my first conversions of Indian, Saracen and fantasy barbarian.

                Here is the Warhammer ogre with hand cannon, showing his new, longer legs.
                                       Below, top: two Gretchen conversions. The first is made from a 1960s HK Indian which is a smaller copy of Britains/Herald. A hole was drilled in the face and a new nose made and inserted, Noses are made from trimmed plastic sprue or matchstick. The figure was brittle and an arm came off so I hot welded on a new arm from a more recent HK Indian, again a copy of Herald/Britains. The second top figure is a True legends figure with new nose, cut down axe and Warhammer shield. The bottom figure is from a Chinese made set of aliens which came out a year or so ago. The head is replaced with a Eureka miniatures head. He has been thickened up with some putty armour.
                     I went a little overboard with the size of the nose but they are slightly comical, in a dark sort of way.
                 Here is a close up of the old HK Indian given new life. I loved these brown plastic Indians as they made up a portion of my childhood wargame army. Incidentally the Indian who lost his arm is itself a good source for ancient or colonial figures with dagger replaced with spear or sword. Bob has a unit of such conversions. I could have just scrapped the older Indian but I refused to give up and I just liked the look of it. The axe is DSG.
                                The carnivorous looking flightless Heroclick (?) bird was a good candidate for a rider from my HK Indian box. It is undersized and so fits well. That is the beauty of fantasy, the humanoid races vary greatly in size so a wide range of figures can be used.. The small blokes include dwarfs, hobbits and goblins. I'm not going to change the figure much except to give him reverse rhinoplasty.


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