Fezian/Arabic/Turkish/Indian Light Cavalry From American Indians

I am going to need more generic light cavalry for my Fezian forces so I have started making them from American Indians. The donor figures were some of the better Chinese copies of Airfix Indians. (In fact they look even better than the originals). Some I might even one day paint as Plains Indians!

The left hand figure I haven't changed much except to add the turban and to fill in the leggings. The lack of flowing robes makes him more ancient looking, or perhaps Indian sub continent or even mameluke if they ever used bows. In any event I am not aiming at absolute historical accuracy as he is part of my imaginary country. The other figure has the more classic flowing robes, again made from putty; I could have made them from PVA and tissue but didn't feel like taking the messier and more awkward path today. I also replaced his spear with a cut down ACTA pike. I added a hub to the shield.

An alternative headgear would be the wrap around Arab type that comes around the chin and sometimes covers the lower face.

I need to decide on appropriate horses next.


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