Mystery Conversion Continued

I'm leaving unstated who this will be. Can anyone guess? I'll post more pics when it is finished.

Brian got it; thanks Brian! Initially it was going to be Hartnell, the first doctor and my favourite. Then I realised that the frilly shirt thing was the third doctor Pertee's style although I think both wore capes at times. Also, the first Doctor did not have a sonic screwdriver; it dates from the second Doctor. Of course, if I ever use him in a wargame I can always have him as a unique incarnation with characteristics of various Doctors.

The only thing is this figure will make Pertwee shorter than what he was. The head, by the way, came from a Hong Kong swoppet Indian, the right arm from a BMC Texan and the left from a Red Indian. I cut down the frilly shirt front and added some putty frills at the sleeves. The hair was also added. The brass sonic screw driver is very basic although it is hollow so I could stick a piece of wire or something in it. It is also probably too long. The shoes' points were trimmed off.

I once set up a Doctor Who game with my daughter when she was about nine or so. I used the Super Detail Britains commandos etc as UNIT but I might not have had an actual Doctor Who figure,

I always thought it kind of ridiculous that Doctor Who didn't use guns but at least he had that sonic screwdriver. Could it interfere with a Dalek's functioning? I forget. Better than nothing I suppose but what was its range, in 1/32 centimetres? The fourth Doctor once contemplated genocide against the Daleks and the first doctor was going to brain a caveman with a rock before his companion, Ian, stopped him so if the doctor could do that why mot just shoot the bastards too?

There he is at his sartorial best but I do't think my figure replicates his big snoggin! Pertween certainly liked the crushed velvet.


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