Jungle Terrain , Or What To Do With Rap Crap And Boring Instructional DVDS From Your last Job (Or Present One).

 DVDs and CDs are everywhere, although possibly on the eventual way out replaced by other media. I like to get the ones I hate - you know those ones left by your religious door knocker, rap playing young relative, instructional DVDs from the Education Department - that sort of thing - and I get pleasure from turning them into something useful - wargame terrain! But beer coaters etc are other alternatives.

The advantage is they are compact and can be grouped together to represent forests or treelines. Then just hot glue whatever terrain takes your fancy. 

Recently Mat and I played a game with jungle terrain but the cheapo palm trees kept falling over so here is the solution.  The other thing is I just read the latest Toy Soldier Collector magazine and there was an article about using plant material from nature - real plants! Well, I already use stuff from nature, but mostly rocks, sand and the occasional bit of lichen. As I just returned from a camping trip I brought some dry bracken - and here it is glued to the DVDs. 

I am a little sceptical about durability of such delicate fronds but I am going to liberally coat them with PVA.  

Next step after that will be or PVA and sand and spray undercoats.

The plastic trees have some small dabs of hit glue on top and underneath to stop the fronds from rotating around the trunk.


  1. Great idea, most effective looking terrain.

  2. Great idea!
    I did the same thing. I had some 'old' DVDs which I didn't manage to sell second hand, despite of an extremely low price. Instead of throwing them away, I added some blue foam painted to desert rocks, sand, small stones and lichen (for Christmas-decorations). I'm not able to post a photo of my DVDs here, but on my blogpost on "Even more about protective covering......" there is a photo of them about mid-page.

    I liked the palmtrees, and the "falldowns". I have a Thuja-hedge outside here, and I wonder if that will do the part as well?


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