Cops Into Munchkin Guard

When looking for figures to use for Munchkins in 1/32 I sought 45mm figures. These cops already had largish heads although not entirely Munchkin proportions. 

The figure at left has a putty bearskin which actually served the purpose best as the head was bigger than the replacement metal ones. The other heads were from the home casting spares boxes.

I replaced the rifles with home cast musket ends and made paper or Super Glue tube strips from straps. Putty Green Stuff equipment and details were also added. This was all dashed fiddly and time consuming; am I really going to make twenty odd or shall I find alternatives?

The flag is cut from a coke can and the gaps filled with putty. usually I glue a paper flag on to the metal but this time I am going to paint the Oz flag straight onto the metal once the figures are undercoated.



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