Munchkin Cavalry Conversions

 Today I began on the conversions of the Mokarex cavalry. This involved sawing off the heads and changing them for 1/32 ones. I had quite a few Britains Fort Henry Guard heads so I used these, except for the officer who has a bicorne. Most of the cavalry are lights, such as hussars, lancers etc but I had to tie them together so the officer and the flag bearer (with new metal flag pole) have pelisses (Jackets over one shoulder) but the others don't.

The new heads are only marginally bigger than the smaller original heads so the figures still look marginally normal dimensions. These figures are also a bit bigger than the smaller scale Britains hollow cast. However, I have made another hollow cast Munchkin, this time with Prussian head. He will be the general's staff officer.      

                                                      Below: The first four conversions


                                 Compared to a 1/32 Britains ACW the difference is not huge.
                                             Compared to the AIP lancer it is a big difference.
                                                          The general is smaller again.

                                                     The general gets a staff officer.


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